Last updated on January 22nd, 2023 at 09:49 am
Did you hear? It’s the season of the single woman. The recent viral news that more women than ever are choosing to stay single, wasn’t a surprise to most of us. We’ve had enough of the bullsh*t, or course. So in the spirit of celebrating single life, here’s 35 reasons to be glad you’re single on Valentine’s Day…

35 reasons to be glad you’re single on Valentine’s Day. Starting with…
- Your self worth is 100% coming from within
- Plenty of time to just ‘do you’
- Ain’t nobody cheatin’ on ya
- No snoring keeping you awake
- Leg shaving is optional
- Don’t have to buy a gift for anyone. But you can buy a gift for yourself, and it’ll actually be something you like and wanted.
- Cooked a bad meal? Nobody’s gonna know
- No pressure to look nice when you’re just in the house
- Sharing sized bags of snacks are all for you, babe. Enjoy.
- Binge watch a series without having to wait for somebody else
- No complaints about your shower Karaoke
- Have as many parcels delivered to your house without the side eyes and the questions. Yeah they’re all unnecessarily purchases for me, and what?
- No need to compete for your cat or dogs love
- Stretch out in the bed
- Have everything in the house how YOU like it
- No arguments
- You can be messy if you feel like
- Nobody else’s mess to pick up (unless you have kids)
- Never have to feel like you’re looking after an adult child (if you know, you know)
- No mind games
- Toilet seat always down
- Spare cash? Spend it on yourself
- That cake you were saving? It’s still there! Your partner didn’t eat it in the middle of the night when they went to the toilet and stopped for a snack
- Lots of time for projects (DIY, creative endeavours)
- Time for self improvement (therapy, exercise, expanding your education)
- More time to pursue your passions and hobbies
- You can find you inner peace again
- It’s easier to focus on your career
- Save money that you’d usually spend on dates or your other half
- Your schedule is your own. You’re the boss of your life.
- Free from manipulation
- Less tears
- Time to give your undivided attention to your kids
- No relationship stress
- A clear mind
So there you have it! 35 reasons to be glad you’re single on Valentine’s Day, and they’re all great reasons.

We need to expel this myth that being single is something to be sad about, when actually single people of our generation are probably much happier than those who are stuck in an unhealthy relationship.
Also, let’s not forget that Valentine’s Day is just a gimmick, and it’s not a reflection of your self worth, or happiness, or anyone else’s happiness for that matter.
The Original Study on ‘Lonely Single Men’
The TikTok that puts it all into perspective..
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