Many people want to know the answer to the question, can I, as a single parent or person adopt a child? The answer is yes. Many adoption agencies in the UK say that a person’s marital status will make no difference to their chances of adoption. A person above 21 years of age is eligible to apply to adopt if they are single, married, in a civil partnership, an unmarried couple, or in a same-sex couple.
What if I Don’t Own my Home?
It also doesn’t matter if you own your own home or if you live in rented accommodation or a council property. You don’t even have to be in full-time employment to be able to adopt.
Can I Adopt if I’m on Benefits?
If you’re receiving benefits of any kind, you can still adopt a child. And it does not restrict you if you already have children in your home – you can still apply to adopt.
Local Authorities Vs Independent Adoption Agencies
Both follow the same rules and regulations but have slightly different practices. And it’s not specified for either one that adoptive parents have to be in a partnership, it’s perfectly fine for them to be single people.
Things to Consider When Adopting as a Single Parent…
What if I Already Have Kids?
If you already have children in your home but you’re looking to adopt, many agencies will propose that your children’s needs and their attitude to your adoption plans would need to be considered during an assessment. This also includes the views of your children who live with you, as well as those who live with a previous partner, and adult children who have grown up and live independently. It is also usual that children placed for adoption tend to be younger than any children already in the family.
Heritage and Adoption
Some adoption agencies are particularly keen on finding adoptees of Black and Dual heritage, as there are a large proportion on of children from these groups waiting for homes.
So there you have it! Can a single parent adopt in the UK? Yes, they can. Single parent adoption can be an extremely fulfilling process and change people’s lives for the better. There aren’t huge restrictions on who can adopt in terms of their wealth or marital status because the simple fact is that love is free. Parenting is a natural gift, not restricted to just those who are married or straight or rich or of a certain colour or religion. For every child out there who needs a home, there is the perfect parent somewhere waiting for them!

A Story From A Single Parent Who Adopted
UK Adoption Agencies Who Accept Single Parents
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