Last updated on August 24th, 2021 at 10:25 am
I recently read a brilliant and funny article about the eternal struggle to get stuff done, and it certainly resonated with me! As a single parent, it’s easy to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Spinning multiple plates has to be your special talent, whether you like it or not! But, we’re all human and can let a plate fall from time to time. Here are some top tips for how to keep your home organised as a single parent!
Keeping on Top of Everyone’s Schedule
Remembering your own appointments this week is one thing. But trying to remember who’s doing what on which day for you and the children is a lot!
Make a habit of sitting down on a Sunday night and writing out a weekly plan for the whole family.

Stick it in a high-traffic area of your house for all to see, and let the paper do the remembering, rather than tired old you.
Planning Meals for the Week
It’s sometimes hard to think of meals that tick all the boxes. We all want to make meals for the week that are healthy, and liked by everyone!
This 7 Day Family Meal Planner has been well thought out and planned to be packed with 21 balanced meals that are real crowd-pleasers.

This 7 Day Meal plan is £1.20 on Etsy, but you can download it for free here when you subscribe to the blog!
Keeping on Top of The Cleaning
Children have an uncanny knack of making your house a mess in about 0.05% of the time that it took for you to get it looking spic and span. Isn’t that lovely of them?
But when you’re working, parenting, taking care of yourself, the kids, cooking meals, and organising your weekly activities – it’s SO easy to let the cleaning and tidying slip.
It’s hard to function happily in a messy home, so here’s a solution to keeping you on track with the chores.
A cleaning chart can be a handy way of making sure the essential cleaning tasks get done frequently. And you don’t have to worry yourself with trying to remember when the last time was you bleached the loo or when it’s next due – it’s all there on the plan!
Depending on the age of your children, you could also get them to help you out around the house. Read some advice on age-appropriate chores for kids here. You can add your delegated chores to the family planner listed above!
More parents than ever have made the decision to homeschool their kids, following the recent world event that saw most of us being asked to keep our kids at home.
Choosing to homeschool can be a tough decision for a single parent. Time is already quite limited and your list of tasks, long enough. However, with the right organisation skills and support, there’s no reason a single parent shouldn’t be able to pursue homeschooling if that’s what they want to do!
Would you like to read more content on Homeschooling as a Single Parent? Leave a comment below! loves to hear from you what you want to read.
A simple way to get started is to choose a Homeschooling Planner! Start planning your lessons and set learning goals for the school term so you know what you’re doing and why.

Planning is key, so make sure to pick a homeschooling planner with space to plan out your lessons in detail.
Enjoy a More Organised Home!
We hope you enjoyed our tips on keeping organised as a single parent! The home organisational planners in this post were provided by MontiTod Designs.
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