How to raise happy and healthy kids as a single mum? A question on all our minds. Single mums especially may worry about this because life as a single parent can be a tough gig with a lot of difficult days and hardships. But there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing your children grow into beautiful and well-rounded people, especially when you know you did most of the raising all by yourself. The most important thing is to parent your kids in a way that gives them the best chance to be happy and healthy. And that is possible with these great tips and strategies.
Here are some ways to raise happy and healthy kids as a single mum:
Create routines and structure.
Kids thrive when they have a predictable and consistent routine, as it gives them a sense of security and stability. As a single mum, you need to create routines and structure for yourself and your kids, such as having regular mealtimes, bedtimes, homework times, and playtimes. You also need to set rules and boundaries for your kids, such as what they can and cannot do, and what the consequences are for breaking them. This way, you can avoid chaos and confusion, and foster discipline and responsibility in your kids12.
Load up on love, praise, and attention.
Kids need love, praise, and attention from their parents to feel valued and confident. As a single mum, you need to make sure that you give your kids plenty of love, praise, and attention every day. You can do this by spending quality time with them, listening to them, hugging them, complimenting them, encouraging them, and celebrating their achievements. You can also show your love by doing things for them, such as making their favourite meal, reading them a story, or helping them with a project. This way, you can boost your kids’ self-esteem and happiness.
Seek and accept support.
Being a single mum can be overwhelming and exhausting at times, so you need to seek and accept support from others. You don’t have to do everything by yourself; you can ask for help from your family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, or other single mums. Join a support group or an online community for single mums where you can share your experiences, challenges, tips, and advice with others who understand what you are going through. You can also seek professional help from a counsellor or a coach if you need more guidance or assistance. By seeking and accepting support, you can reduce your stress and loneliness, and improve your mental and emotional health.
Take care of yourself.
As a single mum, you may tend to put your kids’ needs before your own, but that can be detrimental to your well-being. You need to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in order to be the best mum you can be for your kids. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion and avoid being too hard on yourself or feeling guilty about unavoidable things. By taking care of yourself, you can improve your children’s health and happiness.
Teach gratitude and positivity.
One of the best ways to raise happy and healthy kids is to teach them gratitude and positivity. Gratitude is the ability to appreciate what you have in life instead of focusing on what you lack or what others have. Positivity is the ability to see the bright side of things instead of dwelling on the negative aspects or outcomes. You can teach your kids gratitude and positivity by modelling it yourself. Try to express gratitude for what you have every day by pointing out the positive aspects of any situation and encouraging your kids to do the same. Celebrating small wins can go a long way towards teaching children how to find the positivity, humour or joy in everyday life.
Involve your kids in decision-making.
Kids need to feel that they have some control and influence over their lives, especially when they are going through changes or challenges. As a single mum, you need to involve your kids in decision-making whenever possible and appropriate. You can do this by asking for their opinions, preferences, or suggestions on things that affect them, such as where to live, what to eat, what to wear, what to do on weekends, or how to decorate their rooms. Let them make some choices on their own, such as what books to read, what games to play, or what friends to invite over. You can also teach them how to make good decisions by explaining the pros and cons of different options, and weighing the consequences and risks. By involving your kids in decision-making, you can boost their confidence and independence, and foster their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills .
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Encourage your kids’ interests and talents.
When children have opportunities to explore their interests and talents, it gives them a chance to develop their potential. As a single mum, you need to encourage your kids’ interests and talents by providing them with resources, materials, tools, or equipment that they need or enrolling them in classes, clubs, teams, or programs that they enjoy. By supporting them in their hobbies or passions and celebrating their successes, they’ll feel completely supported by you in becoming their true selves.
Nurture your children’s social skills and relationships.
Kids need to have positive social skills and relationships in order to be happy and healthy. They need to know how to communicate effectively, cooperate with others, resolve conflicts peacefully, express emotions appropriately, empathise with others, respect diversity, make friends easily, and cope with peer pressure. As a single mum, you need to nurture your kids’ social skills and relationships by modelling them yourself. Teaching them the basic rules of etiquette and manners as well as helping them understand their own and others’ feelings and needs will go a long way.
Create a positive home environment.
Kids need to have a positive home environment where they feel safe, comfortable, and happy. As a single mum, you need to create a positive home environment by keeping your home clean, organised, and cosy. It doesn’t have to be filled with expensive things! A good home isn’t about having lots of ‘stuff’. Establishing house rules and routines that everyone follows will instil a sense of consistency and stability. By having regular family meetings where you discuss issues, plans, or goals you can all feel connected and incorporated in each others lives. Fun family activities or traditions that you do together will create lasting memories as well as creating a positive atmosphere of love, respect, and harmony.
Be a positive role model.
Children learn a lot from their parents, especially from their actions and attitudes. As a single mum, by default you’ll likely already be a positive role model for your kids by being responsible, reliable, and respectful. But it’s just as important to show your children what it looks like to be optimistic, hopeful, confident, assertive, and courageous. Your kids will remember and mimic your compassion and generosity when they go out into the world, if that’s what you show them at home.
By following these tips and strategies, you can raise happy and healthy kids as a single mum. You can also create a more positive and fulfilling life for yourself and your family. Remember that being a single mum is not a disadvantage or a weakness; it is a strength and an opportunity. You have the power to make the best of your situation and to give your kids the best possible start in life. You are not alone; you have support and resources available to you. Don’t forget, you are amazing; you are doing an incredible job. You are a single mum; you are a super mum.
Sources used to write ‘How to raise healthy and happy kids as a single mum’:
- 9 Essential Parenting Tips For Single Parents Who Want To Raise Happy and Healthy Kids | Roland Legge | YourTango. (n.d.).
- 5 Tips to Raise Healthy and Happy Kids as a Single Mum or Dad – Goodnet. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.goodnet.org/articles/5-tips-for-raising-happy-kids-as-single-mom-or-dad
- The Psychological and Social Effects of Single Parenting in a Child’s Life – Marriage.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.marriage.com/advice/parenting/effects-of-single-parenting-in-a-childs-life/
- Dating As A Single Mom: Coping With Emotional Baggage And Moving On. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.unitedwecare.com/dating-as-a-single-mom-coping-with-emotional-baggage-and-moving-on/