These hypnobirthing affirmations are for those who plan to have their birth without a partner. The birthing experience should be as beautiful and wonderful as any other – and will be when you prepare with these.
Birth is Beautiful However it Happens

Sometimes birth doesn’t always go exactly how you plan it. But the first of these hypnobirthing affirmations is here to remind you that birth is beautiful in every form, both the expected and the unexpected. No matter what, how, or where – hypnobirthing can help you have a wonderful experience.
My Body Was Designed to do This

Your body knows exactly what it’s doing. Let it take control, you don’t even have to think. Just breathe.
I Am Strong and Healthy, As Is My Baby

Your body has brought you all this way, from conception to birth. Health and strength flow through you as you prepare to bring this baby into the world!
I Am Capable and Calm

This was the task you were born to do, so have no fear that you can’t. You are capable. You are calm. Let your feminine energy flow.
My Instincts Are All I Need

All the birthing textbooks in the world can fill your head with technical information, statistics, or whatever else. But all you need is your instinct. As a woman, as a mother, as a human, your most basic intuition is all you need to complete this beautiful task.
I’m Ready to Meet My Baby

It’s been nine, wonderful, eventful long months! And now it’s time to finally feel your baby in your arms. Nothing could be greater or sweeter than this moment. Your readiness is what’s going to guide you through this.
Each Surge Means We’re Closer to the End

This is one of the resounding favourite hypnobirthing affirmations among pregnant women. And it’s great because it’s simple as well as true.
My Focus is All I Need

You don’t need anything expensive, complicated or excessive. All you need is your hypnobirthing affirmations and your mind.
I Am Proud of All My Body Has Achieved

What your body has done, and is about to do, is nothing short of miraculous. You’ve provided the perfect nurturing environment for your tiny baby. It was all you, and just you. Now with that same wonderful magic, you’ll bring them into the world!

Every breath unlocks the door to comfort and progression. Just breathe.
My Mind is the Birthing Partner for My Body

Body and mind are working together as you bring your little one into the world. Everyone and everything else become background white noise, you are all you need.
I’m Equipped With All I Need

You’ve done all the research, you’ve meditated and planned. You’re ready and equipped to birth like a boss!
I Make All of My Decisions for Myself

Your body, your decisions, your control.
I Am Not Crowded, I Have Space to Breathe

When it comes to a birthing room, the less people the better. A calm space and a quiet, relaxed environment for you to calm your mind are what you need.
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