Why do single mum holiday ideas need to be different to any other type of family holiday? Well, they don’t have to be wildly dissimilar. But, on a single parent holiday all the planning, organising, responsibilities and expense tends to fall on one person.
Therefore, a holiday that’s well organised is easier to navigate, and that’s what we want. A holiday that’s well researched will be cheaper, and that’s also what we want. And a holiday that’s carefully chosen will face less challenges – and nobody wants challenges on holiday!
A single mum holiday that’s full of worry and stress, just leaves a very frazzled single mum who’s had no break this year. Which can contribute to burnout, fall-outs and more. It’s important that the family holiday benefits everyone, not just the kids.
So here are our 2022 single mum holiday ideas that you can save for – fast!
…(or Glamping if you really can’t face roughing it). Camping is a great choice for an inexpensive family holiday that’s packed full of fun!
Booking a space at a campsite is relatively cheap and easy to save for. Buying the equipment can be a little more pricey, but ask yourself, do you think this will be an annual thing for your family?
If so, spending a little more on some good quality camping gear can be considered an investment. As they’ll last a long time and you’ll get use out of them year after year. Once you’ve got everything bought, all you’ll need to pay for next holiday season is the site!
If it is going to be a one off, you can get away with buying some cheaper items, or even sell them on after use, to get some cash back.
But camping holidays are great because:
- They give you lots of freedom to do what you want, when you want.
- All that fresh air and outdoor time is amazingly good for you and the kids.
- A change of scenery is good for the mind, and can give you a chance to unwind!
Single Parent Discount with Jet2Holidays

Did you know this was a thing? From our research, we’ve found that Jet2 are one of the only holiday providers who offer a discount code to parents travelling solo with their kids. So going abroad just got a little more affordable!
Read more about booking the perfect single mum holiday here
Road Trip
If making memories is what you want, a road trip could be the most amazing summer holiday for your family. All you need is a car, and a plan.
Think about what you want out of your holiday.
The relaxation of nature? Hit some spots like The Peak District, Sherwood Forest or cross over to Wales for some unforgettable countryside views!
Want lots of action and fun-packed activities? Try a couple of the big cities near you, sampling their kid-friendly services that you perhaps don’t get to enjoy closer to home!
The great things about road trips as a single mum holiday are:
- Accommodation isn’t as important as what you’re doing in the day, so you can spend less money on it.
- If the kids don’t like somewhere, or you get bored, you can just move on!
- If anyone becomes unwell or (touch wood) if any accidents happen, you have full mobility. Not like when you’re stranded in a holiday location without your car.
Make the Most of Our Coast

It’s all too easy to make a lot of jokes about the poor weather in the UK. But in actual fact, Britain has some beautiful beaches – especially on the south coast.
Check out this article on the best beaches of the UK
You can save money by choosing to go on a staycation rather than booking costly package holidays overseas. And you’ll still get the charm of a beach vacay!
Partner Up with Another Single Mum
This is a really great idea for a single parent holiday, with a lot of pros and very few cons. Going on holiday with a friend is a great experience in itself! With lots of laughs to be had and memories made. But if you’re a single mum, and you have a good friend who’s also a single mum, plan a holiday – together!
Here are just a few of the reasons why it’s a great idea:
- The kids will play together, make memories and entertainin themselves
- You and the other parent can keep each other accountable and on track for savings
- You can each get a day to have a break from the kids and do something just for you!
- Being with another adult could take some of the anxiety out of travelling long distances or abroad with young children.
It’s probably wise to lay down some ground rules before hand, to avoid any fall outs. For example:
- Agree before you go whether you are going to split bills in half, or each pay for what you and your kids use. This will most likely be dependent on how many children each of you have.
- Plan a rough schedule in advance, and agree if you will each have a day off from the kids, or each have time on your own as a family on certain days.
- Try to go on holiday with a friend who shares your parenting values. It’s not always possible, but spending lots of time with a family who’s way more or way less relaxed than yours, could be a strain!
Which One of These Single Mum Holiday Ideas Do You Like Best?
Comment below your favourite! Don’t forget that you work hard all year, doing one of the toughest jobs in the world. You deserve a break as much as, if not more than anyone else! And you cope fantastically on your own with the kids anyway, so there’s no reason to believe that you wouldn’t be just as amazing on your own with them on holiday.
So if you’ve got a little put away that you can spare for a deposit, get booking! And start your savings plan for the rest.
Make sure to subscribe for more content from www.Just-Us-Two.com single mum blog, as we’ll be publishing more articles on savings and money soon!
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