21 Habits of Single Mums Who Always Have Clean Homes

Last updated on March 10th, 2023 at 11:17 pm

Do you sometimes wish you were THAT mum? The one who’s house looks absolutely spotless, Mrs Hinch-esque, pritsine clean and gleaming? But you’re a single parent with a lot on your plate, and it seem almost impossible? Well, here we have 21 habits for a clean home, even when you have a busy lifestyle and kids!

21 Clean Home Habits

  1. Having a fully stocked cleaning cupboard – and the products don’t have to break the bank! A haul at B&M or the Poundshop can do the job just nicely for a low price. 
  2. Watching Clean-Tok. It’s inspiring, it’s aesthetically pleasing and just plain satisfying to watch. If it doesn’t make you want to get up and clean your own house – I’ll be surprised! 
  3. Having a go-to activity that keeps the kids occupied (and safe) so they’re out of the way while you clean. 
  4. Having a cleaning routine – Routine becomes a habit. And if you’re going to have a habit, cleaning is a pretty good one to have. When cleaning becomes second nature your house will always be spotless. 
  5. Cleaning every day – even if it’s only 10 minutes per room. Keeping on top of it makes it easier and quicker to keep the whole house clean all the time. 
  6. Having good storage solutions – clutter makes it more difficult to clean, so clutter needs somewhere to go. Storage solutions are a saviour! 
  7. Allocating separate sponges and cloths for different items. Don’t be using the same sponge for your dishes as you do for the kitchen sides. Keep everything clean and spotless by minimising the possibility of just spreading dirt around. 
  8. Owning a cleaning caddy. Because it’s annoying if you keep forgetting bits you need! Nobody likes having to run up and down the stairs for your bleach and rubber gloves. Try this caddy!
  9. Getting your kids involved – allocate a couple of age-appropriate chores to your kids so that they keep their own spaces tidy, and help you out. 
  10. No doom-scrolling! When you’re sitting on your phone, looking at Instagram or Pinterest or watching endless TikTok’s? Try to remember that you’re watching other people live their lives instead of living your own! When that thought crosses your mind it’ll be much easier to put down the phone and go do what you need to do. 
  11. Being minimalist – it’s easier to keep a clean house if you don’t find it difficult to let go of things when they start to become ‘junk’. Regularly sorting belongings and donating or recycling old things is key for a spotless home. 
  12. Wearing those slippers with mops on the bottom of them. 
  13. Learning the hackiest hacks – like using dishwasher tablets to clean your drains or your oven. 
  14. Using really great equipment. A brilliant hoover, steam mop or carpet cleaner might be a pricey investment, but if you’re going to use it a lot it’s worth thinking about. You could even go halves on one  with a close neighbour or a relative. 
  15. Making it fun by listening to music or a favourite podcast. 
  16. Having a place for everything, and everything in its place. 
  17. Rewarding yourself at the end of a clean. Either by having a nice cuppa, a piece of cake, or lighting some nice mood-lifting candles. 
  18. The five minute rule – If a task is going to take less than five minutes, don’t delay just do it now rather than later!
  19. Shoes on until the job’s done – putting on shoes is a psychological trick to make it easier to go and complete chores. The theory is, if you’ve got shoes on you’ll be less comfortable getting distracted and going to sit down on the couch! 
  20. Creating a cleaning rota and sticking to it. 
  21. Being a member of the 5am club. Cleaning is a little easier if you can do it with nobody around, so a blitz of the house before others get up is a good idea, and (hopefully, depending on how young your kids are) it sets the standard of the house for the rest of the day. 

And there are your 21 habits for a clean home!

Buy a ‘Spotless Home’ Starter Kit For Less on Poundshop.com

Habits for a clean home

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