Last updated on June 28th, 2021 at 10:03 am
Montessori play favours wooden toys over all others, but why? As well as being considerably more charming and aesthetic than their plastic counterparts, did you know that wooden toys also have a one-up on plastic in terms of developmental benefit? I’ve researched 5 surprising ways that wood beats plastic on all scales, including educational and ethical…

Montessorians love wooden toys, and here’s why…
1.) Wooden toys tend to have a more relative ratio of size to weight in comparison to plastic toys. This is good for kinaesthetic learning and muscle memory. Your little one learns how to gage the heaviness of objects by looking at them.
2.) Wood can retain warmth from the hands and has a natural scent. It can be rough or smooth and makes different sounds depending on size and shape. Meaning, it’s a multi-sensory material that will build complex neurological connections in your child’s mind as they play.
3.) Bright and loud plastic toys often come with an electronic element to their design. This can overstimulate and cause stress for babies and children. Studies have proved time and again that playing with wooden toys increases tranquillity in your child.
4.) Often a wooden toy will be more minimalistic and therefore encourage open-ended, imaginative play – laying foundations for the makings of a creative child.
5.) Wooden toys tend to be more social and encourage relationships between children. For example, a dolls house or wooden building blocks can stimulate engaged co-play.
Being Eco-Friendly is Child’s Play

Of course, it goes without saying that to buy a wooden toy is to support a much more ethical toy industry. It will also instil environmental values within your family home. Sustainability is important to us in my home, which is why I’ve partnered up with Montessori Choice as a brand ambassador. They’ve kindly given all my readers a 15% discount when you use the code JUSTUSTWO.
I’ve made two toy purchases from them so far. My son has been absolutely enamoured with their handmade and beautifully painted items, both times. At his age, its hard to capture his attention for long! But, I’ve noticed that he genuinely spends longer playing with his Solar System Puzzle and Autumn Tree, compared to some of his other toys. It’s what inspired me to look into what the findings are, regarding the difference between wooden and plastic toys.
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