New Mum Tried & Tested; Top 10 Amazon Baby Picks

Last updated on August 17th, 2020 at 08:46 pm

Everything you’ll need in your baby’s first year…

In the first month after Freddie was born, I subscribed to Amazon Prime and I’m SO glad I did!

One thing you don’t prepare for as a first time mum is the sheer sense of urgency that babies create! In the early days, every week there was something that I needed… ASAP! Long delivery periods would have delayed sleep, made life a logistical nightmare, and forced me to get out of my pyjamas to go to the shops. With baby sick in my hair. Not ideal.

The luxury of ordering something on your phone in the night and getting it the next day is exactly what I needed as a new mum.

To help out all the other new parents out there, I’ve compiled a list of my tried and tested top 10 Amazon baby items. They’re all genuinely useful things that I bought this past year!

1. Brush Baby Chewable Toothbrush

Baby won’t brush his teeth? This chewable toothbrush was the third and final baby toothbrush that I purchased. The first two were just too grown up for a baby who doesn’t even know what teeth are yet. Buy it sooner rather than later and save yourself some trouble. Just a squirt of baby toothpaste on it and he chews the bristles happily – making sure he gets that important fluoride. And it’s less than £5.00! Trying to actually brush his teeth with a conventional brush was a nightmare.

2. Gro Egg Room Thermometer

As a new mum, you read up on all sorts of information about room temperature, clothing layers etc. It can be tricky. The Gro Company’s room thermometer tells you when the room is too hot or too cold. They also do sleeping bags and have a chart on their website that clearly explains what to dress your baby in at night based on the room temperature.

3. Aveeno Baby Hair and Bodywash

Aveeno Baby is mild for sensitive skin and gives your little bub a sweet, fresh baby smell. I use this for every bath, mainly on his hair as he did once have a flare up of eczema so I try to just use water on his skin. It leaves his hair shiny and clean on top, with a little frizz at the back so I just finish up with a dab of coconut oil for his curls! See my article on How to Wash Your Baby’s Hair

4. Onco Car Mirror

This car mirror is one of those essential items that you don’t think of when you’re doing your pre-baby shopping. Trust me, those first few car journeys with your precious one, you’ll want to be able to look behind you and see they’re ok! It’s really easy to set up and just clips onto the headrest. Avoid the first time mum anxiety!

5. Water Tummy Time Mat

A significant part of your baby’s first 6-7 months is spent on their front. Regular tummy time is important for their muscles, but a lot of babies don’t enjoy it. You’ve got to give them something interesting and fun to look at, and this water play mat is perfect.

My son loved this mat, he even tried to swim in it!

6. The Bestselling Bibado – A Weaning Lifesaver!

Make no mistake, when you start weaning, food will get EVERYWHERE. All those cute outfits you’ve bought will be stained with tomato, carrot and all sorts if you don’t invest in one of these fantastic bibs. It attaches to the tray to stop rogue bits of food falling on to their legs and the floor too. It saves masses of cleanup time. An absolute new mum must-have.

7. Nuby Teething Mitt

You might have already bought teething rings or a Sophie la Giraffe, and that’s great. However, your baby might actually start teething at around 3 months old, before their motor skills are good enough to actually hold a teething toy efficiently. At this point, their instinct is to just chew their own hands. So the Nuby teething mitt is a really good buy, very popular among new mums.

8. Bed Guard

Co-sleeping has been a huge – and completely unexpected – part of my motherhood journey so far. It’s a subject I will touch on many times on this blog, but for a lot of first time mums, co-sleeping happens whether you want it to or not. So it’s better to make sure you have a bed guard available for those nights when the baby ends up being in with you rather than in their crib. Always co-sleep safely.

9. Corner Covers for Baby Proofing

At around 9 months I quickly realised I needed to baby-proof the entire living room. Little man was on the move, pulling himself up and cruising the furniture! But he wasn’t steady yet. Tumbles are unavoidable, but you can take away some risk of nasty accidents by putting these covers on any sharp corners.

No damage to the furniture or residue left behind

10. Munchkin Spoons

For the very first days of weaning when your baby has their first tastes! These nifty little spoons change colour when the food is too hot for little baby mouths. Very useful for a first time mum, it removes all the uncertainty and just lets you have fun watching their little face screw up as they experience their first veggies!

So, those were my top 10 useful items that saved me from stress and strife! I have genuinely gotten a lot of use out of all these picks and would recommend them all.

I hope this helps out another new mum who’s venturing into motherhood for the first time! Good luck!

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