One of our contributors shares her single mum evening routine!
It’s probably not too bold to say that single mums struggle with chaotic mornings. Being the only one to organise everything for the household can be stressful! But here’s the key – a smooth morning begins with a well-planned night before. So here’s a realistic and honest evening routine from a single mum who works.
6pm – After dinner cleaning 🧼

Now, judge me if you like, but this is the part of the day where I love to give my child their Amazon tablet so that they can stay occupied for half an hour while I clean up. There have been nights where I just want to leave the dirty plates in the sink because I’m too tired – but honestly that never makes me feel good the next day. So I put on a podcast or a bit of music and start filing the dishwasher.
6.20pm – Tomorrows lunch

Leftovers from dinner can go straight into a lunch box to be heated up on my lunch break tomorrow, or if there’s nothing left, now’s the time where I’ll make a quick sandwich for myself. [Little one gets food provided for him at childcare, but if he didn’t, now would be my time slot for packing a lunch box!]
6.40pm – Bath time

How do children get so grubby? Clothes in the wash basket, kid in the bath. Then a super speedy shower for me while the little one gets their pjs on and has a little play with some toys.
7.30pm – Bedtime for the little’un

Dim lights, a story and a quiet cuddle – out like a light! Bed times used to be a major battle but with time and age things have got a lot easier! As long as it’s not been a day with an accidental mid-afternoon nap. Then honestly the whole evening would be a write-off.
8pm – A little pampering time for Mama

To be truthful, my favourite part of the day. I do my skincare routine, and maybe put my hair in plaits for a quick and easy hairstyle fix the next day. Pj’s on! Then I pack my work bag with everything I’ll need at work the next day.
Inspired by this single mum evening routine? Read our Lacura Skincare Review here!
8.30pm – Free time, at last

A little tidy up of the living room so that it feels like an adult space – toys out of sight! And then it’s me time until bed. TV, doom-scrolling on my phone, snacks, whatever I want to do to unwind. It’s tempting to stay up a little too late to make this me-time last longer. But I have to remind myself what it’ll feel like in the morning when that alarm goes off at 6am (uuuuugh).
Some things that help the week go smoothly…
Planning the weeks meals ahead of time really helps. It saves time wondering what to make every day, and helps with planning the weekly shop.
Find a 7 day family meal plan here!
Having good habit systems in place to make cleaning and tidying up quicker and easier to do!
Keeping my skincare routine stocked with affordable and effective products that help me feel properly pampered.
Setting up a glass of water for the night and my Natural Cycles thermometer (get 20% off and a free thermometer here!) on my bedside table, ready for the morning.
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