Many women face an internal battle; to wean or not to wean? Often they can be left feeling a sense of guilt if they’re not given the right support and information to make their choice on weaning…
In collaboration with Ruth Maguire – owner of and author of Breastfeeding for Beginners, here’s some golden advice on how to push past the urge to quit breastfeeding.
Thinking about weaning?
If you’re an exhausted new mum, weaning your baby from the breast and onto a bottle might sound like the most appealing thing in the world right now. But hold tight!
The early days of breastfeeding can be gruelling and more physically demanding than most of us expected.
In the UK we have some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world, with eight out of ten women stopping breastfeeding before they want to.
Reasons Why Mums Quit
There are some horrible misconceptions out there about mums who give up breastfeeding. That they do so out of laziness or just to get their independence back.
In reality, some of the main reasons why women cut their breastfeeding journeys short are;
- The necessity to return to work
- Lack of support from family
- Physical complications
The good news is, there are solutions to almost all issues that crop up during the first weeks and months of feeding.
You just need to know the right tips, tricks, and relatable advice from veteran boobing mums!
The Information You Need

Luckily for us all, the BoobingIt book Breastfeeding for Beginners; Latches, letdowns and leaky boobs is absolutely jam-packed with everything a new mum needs to know on the subject.
It’a a comprehensive guide that covers every topic. From colostrum harvesting in late pregnancy, to expressing and the practicalities of returning to work!
One of the real highlights of the book is its detailed explanations of how to overcome the common problems related to breastfeeding.
Struggling with your baby’s latch? In pain with sore, cracked nipples? Breastfeeding for Beginners identifies your problems and walks you through, step-by-step, the most helpful solutions.

“My hope is that this book will be a helpful guide for many pregnant and new mamas who are looking for real, honest, and uplifting information on breastfeeding. We’re living through very challenging times and it was important to me that the book provides the right amount of support, comfort and reassurance to mamas as they get to grips with motherhood and breastfeeding.”
~ Ruth
Get Breastfeeding for Begginers for only £3.99!
Use the code ‘justustwo’ at the checkout and get your copy for only £3.99!
That’s amazing value for an fantastically informative guide to see you through your breastfeeding journey. Enjoy!
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