Last updated on April 1st, 2022 at 08:38 pm
Rain, wind or snow – kids love to play outside. So how about a quick bit of Outdoor Play DIY in the garden to make it special for them?
I’ve found 3 inspirational and achievable play ideas on Pinterest that I think you could make at home without breaking too much of a sweat.
1. Garden Play Bark Area
For this you would need;
- A weed membrane
- Sleepers to separate the area from the lawn
- Child friendly bark mulch

Prep the area by covering the lawn for a week or two to kill the grass growth underneath. Take measurements of the space and order enough bark mulch to cover the area you desire. Then, lay your membrane and separate the space from the rest of the lawn with your sleepers. Spread your bark and, voila! The perfect space for any play equipment you want to add to your garden!

2. DIY Outdoor Chalk Board
Get yourself to a diy store an pick up;
- Basic backerboard
- Stick timber of your desired size and quantity
- Black board paint
- A nail gun

This is a very simple DIY hack. Cut your base board (or have it cut for you at your DIY shop) to any size and shape that you want. Paint it with your blackboard paint and use the nail gun to attach your stick timber around the edge as a frame!
Then you can simply attach it to the side of your shed, a fence, or leave it freestanding and portable. Purchase some chalks from the pound shop and score hours of entertainment for the kids this Summer.
3. The Classic Mud Kitchen
With a little bit of imagination and some material hunting, you can get pretty creative with this one!
Some ideas of things you could use;
- Palettes
- Old shelves
- Plastic tubs
- Hooks and hinges
- Flower pots
- Chalk board

Depending on your DIY skill set and the things you have available to make it, mud kitchens can be all shapes and sizes. Or, if you’re like me and feel a little out of your depth with this particular project, you can purchase one for a reasonable price in the latest ALDI Specialbuy event!

Thanks for reading! if you enjoyed this, you’ll also like Easy Makeover: Perfect Living Room Play Area or 7 Free Activities for A Toddler in Autumn.
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