7 Creative Ideas For (Free) Toddler Activities In Autumn

Autumn is such a special and unique time of year, that there’s no shortage of creative ideas to partake in with your toddler or young child.

Here are seven fun ideas for how to get creative and have fun while learning! And they can all be done for a cheap price, or free with the things you have lying around the house or stocked in cupboards.

Creative Ideas for a Scavenger Hunt

All parents who like to explore nature with their kids know that the outdoors is essentially a classroom.

Getting outdoors for a scavenger hunt is easy, free, and a great way to keep a little one entertained while also getting some exercise and a healthy dose of fresh air.

A good way to add a little creativity to your hunt is to draw your own lists of items to look for!

On the morning of, or the night before your hunt, make a list of autumnal things you hope to see! Draw a little picture next to each list item, and voila, you have your own handmade scavenger hunt sheet.

Autumn Scavenger Hunt List Ideas:

  • Acorns
  • Pine Cones
  • A Squirrel
  • A Green Leaf
  • A Red Leaf
  • A Golden Leaf
  • A Mushroom

What else can you think of?

Leaf Tuff Tray

You can leave your scavenger hunt finds in the park where you discovered them, or, bring them home and make them into a whole new activity!

After a week or so has passed, get your collection out and arrange them on a tuff tray or Montessori style tray.

Creative ideas for Autumn toddler Activities
Wooden tree toy from Montessori Choice – get 15% off any purchase with code JUSTUSTWO

Make an educational activity out of touching, smelling, and playing with the different natural materials you have!

You can talk about the life cycle of a tree, the function of conkers and acorns, or more simply – just name some colours and shapes that you see.

Make a Leaf Mobile

Photo from Pinterest

Making a leaf mobile or Garland is a relatively simple activity you can do with your child. It’s a nice way to make something pretty for their room, or a gift for a family member out of free items.

Firstly, gather up some leaves from outside. Be sure to pick ones that are intact, fairly clean and displaying beautiful autumn colours!

Next, in order to preserve the leaves and stop them from rotting or flaking away, you’ll want to dip them in some wax.

IMPORTANT: Please use extreme caution when handling heated wax, and do not let your child participate in this step unattended.

I filled a small pan with water and melted soy wax on a low heat in a glass jar.

Most instructions for this activity suggest that beeswax is the best kind, but if you don’t have or don’t want to buy beeswax, there are some other alternatives. I used soy wax from a candle making kit, but you could just as easily melt down an old candle that you don’t want any more.

After dipping your leaves, you’re going to want to let them drip dry over newspaper or an old box you don’t need.

Creative ideas for autumn
Using some kebab skewers and craft pegs, I was able to make a drying rack for my leaves!

Then, get some string or cotton and hang your leaves from a stick to make a beautiful mobile.

Apple Picking

Do Grandma or Grandpa have an apple tree in their garden? Are your local hedges ripe with blackberries, ready for picking?

Grab a basket and go out harvesting. Just be careful of thorns and be sure to thoroughly wash what you plan to eat.

If you’re wondering what’s ‘creative’ about this one, that part comes next…

Autumn Baking

Ceative Ideas
25 Pie Crust Ideas From Pinterest

Nothing warms the belly in Autumn better than a seasonal fruit pie!

Find a simple recipe online and bake a pie with whatever fruit you’ve got. But make it more fun for the kids when it comes to the pastry topping!

Use cookie cutters to make a fun design for the top of your pie, make it your own! Or quite literally put your stamp on it by topping it with your family initials.

Creative Ideas for Pumpkin Carving

33 Pumpkin carving ideas from Pinterest

We couldn’t have an Autumn activity list without including pumpkin carving now, could we?

But don’t just do the same old triangle-eyed smiley face! Hit Pinterest to get some inspiration on fun carvings to do together.

Show the neighbours something they haven’t seen before when they come calling for sweets this Halloween!

Hot Chocolate Decorating Competition!

Time to compete! Who can make the most delicious hot chocolate? Raid your cupboards and pile that hot choccy high with whatever you’ve got.

Whipped cream, sprinkles, broken up biscuits, malteasers, marshmallows, cherries!?

Elect a judge to choose the winner based on presentation and taste combination. But it’s ok if you lose, you still get a lovely drink out of it.

Winner gets a big hug!

Also a good read: How To Make Hot Chocolate Bombs For Christmas

I hope you enjoyed those seven ideas for creative things to do with a toddler this Autumn! Let us know in the comments which ones you’ve tried. How did it go?

If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy; ‘How to Make Christmas Merry for Your Toddler

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