3 Fast Ways to Help a Single Mum Get Organised for 2023 – Number 3 is a Godsend! 

Why does a single mum need to get organised for 2023? Because, the new year is a clean slate and a chance to become better and wiser than we were in the last 365 days. 

Many of us are realists though, and know that these coming months may not be a piece of cake. 

But, being on top of what you can control will make you feel more confident and reduce anxiety. 

Getting organised is a great way to reduce stress by getting ahead of the game and dodging avoidable problems.

Here are five fast tips to get you started; 

1. Fill Your Calendar With Appointments 

The sooner you do this, the better. 

Are you the phone calendar type, or an old fashioned pen and paper type of girl (like me, who prefers a magnetic one stuck to the fridge)? 

Whichever your preference, aim to sit down for 20 minutes after the kids are in bed and sort out your annual calendar. 

Add in all your appointments, birthdays, work days and whatever else is important for your family’s schedule. 

Don’t forget to add the fun stuff too, like holidays, or dot some random events in (such as ‘family bbq’) to give you all something to look forward to. 

2. Make a Monthly Budget for a Single Parent Income

Take the reigns of your own finances! Plan a monthly budget if you know you need to be strict with your pennies. 

Find it hard to get your head around how to make an efficient budget? You could get some inspiration online or buy one pre-made off of Etsy

It might even be wise to take it a step further and write a full financial plan for 2023. 

“A dream written down becomes a goal, and a goal broken down into parts becomes a plan”

3. Get Inspiration for Packed Lunches and Dinners 

Trying to come up with ideas for lunch boxes or kid-friendly meals can become really taxing on a mums mind. 

As if we don’t have enough to think about, this chore seems to be one that becomes boring to the point where you fully run out of steam for it. 

So here are some quick sources to give you fresh ideas, let the creativity come from someone else and just steal what suits you! 

Knowing what you want to make for your kids lunches and dinners means being able to plan your food shops in advance, meaning maximum organisation. It will also help with keeping in line with that monthly budget!


All single mums are forbidden from feeling guilty for not cutting up their child’s cheese into fun shapes or engraving inspirational quotes into sandwich bread, and other show-off Instagram sh*t like that. It is not necessary, we do not have time, it’s also kind of a waste of food. Ignore these people. 

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Hopefully you found our 3 Fast Ways to Help a Single Mum Get Organised for 2023 useful. If you liked this article, you may also enjoy… Why Does My Child Act Up After Visiting Dad?

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